10 Kitchen & Entertainment Tips & Tricks

Following a recipe can be easy as pie (pun intended!), but sometimes you need some kitchen tips! Recipe calls for this ingredient, but you don't have it, or the recipe says how to do a certain technique and you have no idea what that is.

So here are some of my favorite tips and tricks.

1.) Substitute Buttermilk: Add 1 TBSP Lemon Juice or Vinegar to each 1 cup of milk. Whisk together until the milk changes color just slightly. Now you have buttermilk.

2.) When you're entertaining or dining outside, cover the top of you drink with a cupcake liner and poke a straw through so that you don't get any bugs floating inside.

3.) Substitute Butter for: Smashed avocados.

4.) Substitute Eggs for: smashed bananas.

5.) Substitute sugar for applesauce.

6.) Ounces do not convert to cup. Because 1 c. of shredded cheese is 4 oz. and 1 c. of flour is not 4 oz.

7.) When cooking meat....Well Done: No pink.
Medium Well: Slight pink but no blood.
Medium: Pink. No-little blood.
Medium Rare: Dark pink/Red. Blood.
Rare: Red, Blood.

8.) Eggs...eggs are something done really wrong, really often.
Sunny side up: cracked in the pan, never flipped. Cooked until the white is soft, but done. Yolk is completely runny.
Scrambled: white and yolk are scrambled together.
Fried Hard: cracked in the pan. Cooked until the white edges are crispy. Flipped once and cooked until the yolk is cooked entirely.
Fried Medium: cracked in the pan. cooked until the white edges are crispy. Flipped once and cooked until the yolk is firm, but halfway runny.
Over Easy: Similar to sunny side up. Flipped once to slightly cook the yolk.
Poached: Cooked in boiling water and steam until done. Yolk will be very runny when cut into it.

9.) Proper table setting involves the fork on the left and the knife and spoon on the right with the spoon on the outside.

10.) How much do you serve at a party? See the chart below!


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