Ham, String Beans & Potatoes

This is something I grew up eating and it was so good. A great intro. to the Fall season.

1 1/2 Onions
3-4 Large Potatoes
Cooked Spiral Ham
3 c. Green Beans/String Beans

1.) In a large stock pot fill 3/4 full with water. Add ham bone to the stock pot (if you do not have a ham with the bone in it, you can just cut the ham away from the center of the spiral and cook it with the center spiral. I have made it this way and you can't tell the difference, you are just going to want to cook it longer so the flavor gets out). Add salt and pepper to taste as well as your onions (*chop your onions roughly)

*the longer you let this broth steep the more flavor. I made this portion of the broth a day ahead of time, and the next day added some more water to compensate for what had been cooked out before I began adding my other ingredients. It's up to you.

2.) Once your onions are almost cooked through, add your ham and string beans to the pot. The broth should begin to take on some really nice flavor.

3.) Once you like the flavor of your broth, add your potatoes (Cubed!). It should only take about 15 more minutes until the potatoes are cooked.

Serve hot in a bowl with a hunk of crusty bread and butter! Mmmmm!


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